hello people! been real busy again:D much thanks to theatre and business communications hehe.
So heres what i did for my theatre mid term.
The office! as u can see from the poster , its a musical XD and every1 that knows me, knows that im soooo verrrry good in singing bwahahaha. Well u cant blame me, i dont really sing a lot usually and thankgod, i didnt have to really sing alone for too long in that musical play as i was acting as the ''office ghost'' which supposedly is ugly and scary, but as u know.....
a person like me that intends to portray ugly and scary wor.... very hard lah =D
But one thing, d moment i opened my mouth to sing, i could hear the audience laughing.
My voice must be so good it brings joy to people lolzzz.
OK fine, but their laughter soon seized when the sad moment in the musical play arrived which was brilliant potrayed by me. >) jkjkXD
haha, ok nuff self praise. All in all, i really enjoyed this theatre mid term. The other groups were brilliant too!
So if u all wanna see the theatre video, i do have it. but i cant simply post it on you tube to show the world, im not that cheap lolzzzz.
Theatre 101 section 2 class! Great people, lotsa fun! im right behind, in black =D
So that was how busy i was for Theatre. As for Business comm (gbus) , it kept me busy with various projects. One of them, which required me to do service learning.
Me and my group decided to participate in a recycling campaign, and also go to the Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation (KDSF) to help do a lil social work.
The recycling campaign really taught me a lot. I've never seen so much recyclable stuff at once u know. And it was really lots of hard work helping out in that campaign.
But, what really touched me most was going to KDSF to volunteer as a helper.
I've always liked children, but this time, it was down syndromed children that i had to take care of. I didnt really know what to do at first, but some teachers there guided me and instructed me on how to take care of them.
I must say, the children there were totally adorable!!! OK, i know... so-not-me, but i really enjoyed it although it was super tiring to exercise with them(which i had to go jogging with them etc), teach them, and also play with them.
However, it was really a memorable trip. There was this chubby lil boy who was Shairul. His really hyperactive man! And also always wanting to eat! (i only found out about this later on during recess that when he put his finger in his mouth, he meant he was hungry, and he did that since an hour ago be4 recess lol) but somehow or another, i soft skills managed to win him over to listen 2 me lolzz.
Then there was this cute lil boy, Darren. The way he looked at me, was like he had millions of stuff to tell me, but couldn't express himself. Then...................
he touched my spiky beard haha. he felt so weird after that he touched his own lower cheek but found nothing lol :D
There were many other children which i enjoyed spending time with - wei jun, alissa, etcetc. And i must admit, i had loads of fun while helping out the teachers in KDSF. Then as the children were about to go home, all of them were parting good bye with me and my friends. Then this super cute malay girl walked over to me, took my hand, and kissed it as I said goodbye to her. Oh my, this kiss could surely heal any love deprived soul in the world lolzzz.
I would certainly be glad to go back there to help agn as a little care for those less fortunate than us would very well make their world and ours a much better place.
P/s , will upload pics of the trip to KDSF later on.
heres d pics i promised.
High Five! man, do they love me..lolzzzzz
Handling the kids was really exhausting
Aiya malas to post all, but i needed to post this shit pic to repay ye shan for sending d pics...
Here it is, lousy ye shan acting all kind n caring. Fake
Bagan should lead the global way
2 weeks ago